Vitalic (Pascal Arbez-Nicolas) is one of the most important representatives of the French electronic music scene. He became known to a wider audience at the end of the '90s of the last century, while 2001 was remembered as the date of the first officially released EP – Poney.
Vitalic, who has been redefining electronic music over the past decade, is also considered a great remixer. He proved it many times by producing pieces better than the original, working with artists such as Bolz Bolz, Röyksopp or Oxia.
He has released as many as 4 albums, the last of which – Rave Age, is an absolute killer dancefloor. On the album you can hear a wide spectrum of inspirations from punk and film soundtracks to indie dance and disco. Recently, Polish fans had the opportunity to hear his great soundtrack to the film "The Legend of Kaspar Hauser" with Vincent Gallo in the lead role.
7 December 2013 Vitalic for the second time in his career will visit the Warsaw club 1500m² for rent, welcome!
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Tickets for 30/35 PLN are available via, and Ticketpro (Empik, Media Markt, Saturn chain stores).