Valentín Guimaraes has 4 years dedicated to recording freestyle battles in Venezuela where he is known as ‘Rastava’. Today he tells us a little about his work and shows us a little about his work as a photographer.
Astrid: Since when have you been in the medium of photography?
Valentine: I have approximately 2-3 years professionally dedicated to photography because before it was only a hobby, I did not give it the importance it requires when you dedicate yourself only to this profession
Astrid: What area do you specialize in when it comes to recording moments?
Valentín: I currently record events, I do photo shoots, 2 years ago I was a photojournalist in digital newspaper, and something I really like is taking pictures in freestyle battles.
Astrid: What do you think are the benefits for you of being able to do photography?
Valentine: To be able to steal the moments from oblivion and turn them into history.
Astrid: Did you study academically to train as a photographer?
Valentin: Yes, I am currently waiting for my TSU (higher technician) degree in audiovisual sciences and photography.
Astrid: Have you traveled to make photographic records outside of Caracas? What places?
Valentín: Yes, I once went to Trujillo to register some theater classes, at that time for me photography was more a hobby than a profession, as it is today.
Astrid: Do you have any characters that influence you?
Valentin: There are many who I have studied but I do not have an influence as such, I am still looking for my own way of telling things.
Astrid: Which characters are relevant to you in the Freestyle battle move?
Valentín: I think they are all relevant because they continue to fight for their dreams in the face of adversity that we all know, here there is no professional freestyle league that gives them an economic sustenance as happens in other countries.
Astrid: What kind of camera do you use?
Valentine: I use Canon, my first camera was a Canon and since then I am Canon lovers lol.
Astrid: What other things do you do outside of photography?
Valentín: I do graphic design, which I started developing in January because I needed another economic support. Besides I have been director of photography in couple of video clips.
Astrid: Are you part of a crew or are you independent?
Valentin: At the moment I am independent.
It was a pleasure for me to be able to write this article about a visual art focused on an element of Hip Hop. Thank you very much Valentine!
If you want to know more about this visual artist, follow him on his social networks
Social media:Instagram: