Today we are talking with Johan who is representing an amazing crew of young artists called “Nativa”, I invite you to read what this is all about!
Astrid: Where did the idea of the name “Native” come from and what does it mean to you?
Johan: Nativa was born from the need to have no boss, to produce to procure our human affairs. It started as a brand proposal to make textile screen printing, designs of our Indo-African American roots.
Then it quickly became an organization born of the street.
The idea of the name refers to the native of the place, to ours, to the native.
Native by woman, mother earth, nature.
Astrid: How many people live in Nativa?
Johan: We have 9 years since we achieved a space for headquarters, it is a cultural and productive nucleus. NATIVE HOUSE.
This is thanks to many people who have lived in Nativa and have contributed in some way to the growth of the project.
Right now we are 5 people permanently responsible for the operation of the nucleus and many collaborations, allies, friends.
Astrid: What artistic techniques are worked on within Nativa?
Johan: We do screen printing on different surfaces, muralism, oil painting, graffiti, graphic design, industrial design and what we add and learn the whole in the walk.
“Nobody saves anyone, nobody is saved alone, we save ourselves in combo”
Astrid: What services do you offer to the public?
Johan: Screen printing, graphic design, muralism, industrial design, carpentry, blacksmithing, partitions, civil works, CCTV, event production, audiovisual production, professional photography.
We are a multidisciplinary, professional team with technical capacity and experience in the field.
Astrid: How long ago was this community created?
Johan: In 2012 it all started. As a result of the need to produce and transform, understanding that it is only possible collectively.
Astrid: Where are they located? Do you plan to expand to other parts of the country?
Johan: House #09 of Bolivar Street, Pueblo Arriba Sector, Guarenas, Miranda State. Venezuela.
Or the world, anything is possible.
Astrid: Have you participated in national events? Which ones?
Johan: In many events in the neighborhood and popular areas of Venezuela, we have had the opportunity to meet with many people from all over the country who walk in it, art and especially painting has allowed us to know realities and connect with powerful, humble and simple people. The original class.
Astrid: What social impact do you think they can have as an artistic community?
Johan: Art must transgress, impress, affect, transform. Our approach goes towards a way that reproduces life, that tells stories where we feel identified, that serves to achieve solutions to common problems.
Astrid: Have you had collaborations with other artists?
Johan: Uff, we are art workers, we are a crowd.
Astrid: Would they do this for life?
Johan: It’s our nature.
I hope you have enjoyed this interview, for me it is always an honor to be able to talk with artists who work with the heart. I invite you to follow ‘Nativa’ on your social networks.
Social media:
Instagram: @nativacrea