Today we are talking with Javier, Venezuelan HipHop artist who tells us about his musical work and a very interesting project of vinyl and mixes. I hope you enjoy it!
Astrid: Since when did you decide to rap?
Javier: It always caught my attention to learn music through the influence of my dad who was a percussionist, since I was a child I always felt connection with rap for films like 8 Mile and how at age 14 I started making my first beats and rapping with my childhood friends.
Astrid: Tell us about the Vinyl Levelz project. When was it born and for what purpose?
Javier: The idea of making a series dedicated to beatmakers started in 2019 and I was inspired by Rhythm Roulette, a series of the people of Mass Apeal who are on Youtube.
I wrote the script placing different elements and own ideas that would give it the cultural touch of here, the issue of raising the level depending on the musical genres and the fact of leaving the beats made for free use.
I proposed these ideas to my bro Sebastian García with whom I had already worked audiovisual projects and was in charge of directing some episodes.
The objective has always been to teach how is the creative process of each beatmaker to all types of audiences and to note that in different parts of Venezuela there is also beatmaking movement and producers making history.
Astrid: When did you first record?
Javier: As a producer and as a rapper in 2012.
Astrid: How many musical projects have you been in since your beginnings?
Javier: I have participated as a producer in many albums and singles, with my group Illegal Nation and collaborating with other rappers such as Gato García, Horus, Kultura Santa, Ice ODC, as well as producers such as Radio Macoña and many collaborations that will come out soon.
Astrid: When was your first live performance? Was it as a solo rapper or with a band?
Javier: In 2012 with my group at that time Da Family, I have always been rapping with my colleagues, almost never only.
Astrid: What other trades do you have outside of music?
Javier: I also dedicate myself to what I studied which is creative graphic design and I am also a tattoo artist.
Astrid: Any reference artists?
Javier: There are many but my references are artists like Q-Tip and Dano who are dedicated to bars, as well as to produce and design their albums and albums of many other artists.
Astrid: Have you attended events nationwide?
Javier: Fortunately if at the national level we have played in Caracas (capital of the country), San Antonio, Los Teques, Guatire, Los Teques (cities of Miranda State, Boconó (Trujillo State) and other cities in the interior of the country and Colombia as well.
Astrid: What is the goal in your lyrics and in the content of your projects?
Javier: I spend little time writing bars but when I do I focus on that, little, teaching some personal motivation such as cultural references or cinema, I consider myself a cinephile.
I try that my content motivates others to also express their proposals without limiting themselves for not having resources or a wide audience, I always invite other artists to collaborate in my projects because it is a window for everyone, in the union there is respect and I think that is what hip hop in Venezuela needs a lot.
Astrid: Would you do this for the rest of your life?
Javier: If totally, I have never visualized my life without making music, I promised myself since I started and now that I live from this I am still more focused, that’s what it’s about.
Thanks to Javier (Jointer) for sharing part of his musical work and projects; Hoping you enjoyed it and if you want to know more about this article I invite you to follow it on your social networks.
Social media:
Instagram: @Jointerown
Youtube: Jointer