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HomeArtistsArne - Diversity is the key to freedom

Arne – Diversity is the key to freedom

The first song ever created and immediately hit. As the well-known maxim says: “Coincidence? I don’t think so.” and it’s hard to disagree with that here. In addition, his debut album “Mirages” was nominated a few days ago for Popkillers in the category of Alternative Album of the Year. Arne told us about ways to create, learn to sing or his dreams.

Where did your sneak peek at music come from?

I’ve always wanted to make music. I saw that new players were appearing on the market, but I did not know where I should start. I never attended a music school, and the only thing that was related to music was playing djembe in the school band. However, I had dreams and in the absence of my family I honed my voice at home, modeling myself on a few artists at that time. It took me about 5 years to learn to sing in this way, where it was simply a trial and error method. When it comes to genres, I listened to almost everything. From reggae and rap to heavier metal sounds. You could say that I was preparing for such a moment to fire. “Morning Dew” was basically the first song I ever did. At that time, I had a completely different approach to the creation itself. Currently, it looks like the lyrics are usually written at home without any melody or picks up a simple musical element from something I just hear. Then I run into Ramses (Matthew) and start humming the melody to the text, after which we move to a compromise, that is, we confront our visions regarding a given song. That’s basically how we create every piece.

And how do you feel about creating songs in this way?

Acting on the principle of constant experimentation, I feel, above all, freedom. After “Morning Dew” I was overwhelmed by the thought of becoming the second Kamil Bednarek. Of course, I have nothing against Kamil himself, but I mean here more about the stylistic drawer in which people began to lock me. Wanting to bounce back from this, I have just started experimenting with the formula, which is why I currently do not see any other way to create. I also don’t have the urge as some to duplicate my latest hit and cut off coupons. I would feel bad about myself. When I go into the studio, I don’t have a specific plan for a song, because I know that when creating plans almost always change. For example, the song “Diamonds on teeth” was supposed to be in jazz climates, and it was basically a banger. As for the album “Barwy” itself, at first I had a completely different concept for it. Of course, this is a continuation of “Mirages”, but I assumed that it would be much looser. The very center of the plate is like that, while the rest completely reflects from it. This happened because during its creation I fell into life turbulence and all my inner anger was unloaded on it. Thanks to this, numbers such as “I was not supposed to smoke”, “From a small village” or “Indomitable” were created, where aggression is the leitmotif. Of course, not everyone may like it, but I think that it is better when music evokes even these negative emotions than none.

For the first time we can hear you in such a version. Listening to “Mirages” one could get the impression that you are quite a calm person.  

I think “Mirages” was very polite on my part. All negative emotions were hidden under the mask of a nice joint boy. With time, I regretted it a lot, and the fear of their externalization gave up. At some point, I just let myself be carried away by what I felt. Now, looking at the whole, I am happy with the steps taken, because over almost 2 years I see a lot of progress, although I know that there is still a lot of learning ahead of me.

So do you think that “Colors” reflects more what flows out of you?

I think so, although I would change a few things to make the atmosphere more coherent, and the presented aggression slowly grew from song to song. One way or another, the album “Colors” means different states, i.e. stages from extreme joy and a sense of superiority, to regret and depression. I think it was quite nicely rendered. As I mentioned earlier, I used to be afraid to show a different face, but now I am at such a stage of my life that I am more and more aware of myself, my content and what I want to convey. Recently, I even started to enter into strongly rock or punk climates. I don’t know yet if I’m going to make a full-length album, because it’s not going to be a good idea yet. However, I would definitely like to release an EP over time and make pieces without a previously imposed concept. A few months ago I had a planned number of albums, etc., but I abandoned these plans, because I prefer to just create at total ease.

And in your abandoned plans, did you intend to continue making whole albums with Ramses? It comes out very well for you, but as you have already mentioned, you like to experiment.

Of course, I wanted to start working with other producers as well. Probably with time it will come to this and there are a lot of options, but to be honest so far I create best with Ramses. Everything arises very naturally in the studio and we can record the emotions that accompany us. Writing for the finished beat I feel very limited, because if at the moment I feel, for example, anger, I would not like it to be planned in advance. In addition, with Mateusz we have a very good vibe and similar visions of movements.

Reflecting a little on another thread I would like to ask you, how was it with “Morning Dew”? It can be assumed that after its release a lot has probably changed in your life. But was it really so?

At first, the soda certainly bounced to my head. Maybe not that I felt like the master of the world, but an interesting phenomenon was that every now and then someone approached me and talked to me. Over time, there was also taking pictures. Well, let’s be honest, this is not an everyday situation, especially for a previously little-known boy. Unfortunately, it was fun only at the beginning and in general I encountered more negative situations than positive ones. I was very confused in all this crowd, but after the madness subsided for one song, I had time to think about some things. I more or less arranged it all in my head, although I do not hide that I still get used to people’s reactions.

And it was at that moment that you got into a good relationship with Ramses?

In general, the story of meeting Ramses is quite funny. It started with the fact that I wrote the lyrics to my first piece, “Morning Dew”. I found two or three beats from “Pacifica” where I could feel the same loose vibe. I recorded the vocals on my phone, sent them to a few people and to be honest I didn’t expect any response. Suddenly, one day I got a call from Ramses, who asked me if I had ever attended singing lessons or music school. During a short conversation, he invited me to the studio and despite the lack of experience, we made an unexpected hit. Maybe it’s funny, but when I initially walked into the studio out of stress, I was afraid to even say hello. Things are very different now. I go into the studio like a second home, and in addition to making the music itself, we talk about millions of different topics. I am happy in which direction my career went, although I have heard many times that I missed my chance after the success of “Morning Dew”. A drop in views after such a hit is a natural course of things, and I prefer to consistently build a position and expand the audience than catch Sunday listeners by releasing what is currently fashionable. The only thing that hurts me is the fact that the rest of the work is shrouded in the shadow of one piece.

It seems to me that you are not the first person who is doomed for the rest of your life to your biggest hit. On the other hand, it’s good to have such a hit to be able to break out at all.

Frankly, it is both a blessing and a curse. It’s true that I encountered a lot of unpleasant situations, but on the other hand, the rest of the songs are mostly warmly received. Without “Morning Dew” I do not know if it would have gone so wide. We know very well what the market looks like. There is an overabundance of artists, which is really difficult to break through. I am aware that I have recorded a decrease in views, but I see that a group of people is being created who check my news on a regular basis. I’m very happy because I don’t focus on reaching everyone. I want to do my own thing and have a group of listeners with whom I can give a high five and talk over a beer.

I think people just feel natural in your music too.

Of course, business is business, but I just assume that it must always be accompanied by fun from music. If I don’t feel something at the moment, I won’t force it. During the creation of “Colors” two pieces were created, which I did not fully feel. They landed in the so-called dead zone and are waiting for a second life. When I chose songs for the album, I took into account only those that were created at full vibe. In this aspect, I really like Tymek’s work. The way he experiments with sound and form is a cosmos for me. And most importantly, he broke away from the club/rap framework, which inspires me to continue my search.

This approach will also allow you not to be pigeonholed.

Yes, because it’s probably the worst thing that can be. In general, listening to a lot of Szpak’s music, I noticed that people classified him as a rapper who always takes up heavy subjects. When he tried to bounce back and joined Chillwagon, people wanted to eat him. This constant pigeonholing and spiral of hate towards him gave me a lot to think about. I realized that musical and lyrical diversity is the key to freedom.

It’s also a case of Oki or Sobel, who release each track in a different style.

Yes, and that’s great. You can’t fault them, because from the very beginning they did different things. I also think that such embarrassment of artists is not good, because loose pieces should also have a raison d’être. In the end, music accompanies a person in various situations, and we do not always want to listen to serious numbers.

Finally, I would like to ask you about something that I will ask every guest invited here. What is your biggest dream right now?

It may sound quite sentimental, but I would just like to be a fulfilled and happy person in my old age. To die knowing that I did everything I wanted in my life.

That is, that as an old grandfather you sat in a rocking chair…

… And as such, a ganja farmer lit a pipe and said, “It used to be.” (laughs)

IG: @arnemusic_

FB: arnemusicofficial

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