Underton went to visit Gerard’s Afro class, the truth is that I had a lot of fun, it is a very cheerful and active musical genre, I was talking with two of his students attending the class, on our YouTube channel you can find the complete audiovisual, I hope you enjoy it!
Gerard – Dancer @gerard.frao:
Hello over here Gerard, in class today. Well thankful evidently with the coverage I’m getting from sister @loloentinta (@underton.pl). And to invite you to my classes, we will be working with body expression dynamics without leaving aside the choreographic part and obviously the Freestyle, so get ready for this madness and don’t miss it!
Karo – student @zerranosg:
My name is Karo, I’m here because Gerard is excellent to perform , I’m looking to improve and clean up the steps and my technique, Gerard is excellent and gives us bases to be able to study our body, for example today we were dancing a genre that is linked to the trade, also has a bit of Afro bases, vogue, so it’s like an excellent opportunity because we put us all, we make our knowledge much broader and gives us a base as integral dancers far beyond going for a single line and a single genre.
Enyerber – student @Em_prezl:
My name is Enyerber, I’m in this class because I was very interested in the genre I was teaching, Gerard. And well, today’s class was super cool, energies up, I liked it!