Imagine a symmetrical cemetery where each grave has its own specific place. On a large black blank sheet of paper there are certain coordinates written in white chalk. The letters a-z denote the individual quarters, and the numbers from 1 to 9 are the rows assigned to them. When you read them in the right order, a terrifying inscription will appear before your eyes – Absence. Absence.
This is the tracklist¹ from the reverse of the new album of the Polish band Blindead, combining three genres of metal in their music – sludge, doom and progression. However, do not be fooled by what is asked by the beloved aunt wikipedia. With the album “Abscence” released this year, still smelling fresh, the sound was softened in favor of various experiments, as evidenced by very successful acoustic concerts or a joint performance with Tides from Nebula at Off Festival 2012. All this to put us, the listeners, in an even more mystical mood. Mystic… Oh yes.. This word perfectly reflects the atmosphere of what is happening on the new album. The ambition of the musicians from Blindead did not allow them to release a typical album, consisting of mixed climates with trite, mainly dealing with Maryna’s ass lyrics. “Absence” has a second, deep as a well bottom. Eight premiere works create a story based on letters that the hero receives from loved ones of deceased people. Along with subsequent works, we gradually discover the purpose of mysterious correspondence. Varied, terrifying music consisting of the sound of various instruments perfectly emphasizes the spooky atmosphere of the album. For example, the song “s1” begins with dark piano sounds, which uncompromisingly turn into an extensive, progressive guitar-electronic middle and a beautifully played nostalgic end on the violin. The finale of this amazing story, which I will not reveal to you for anything, is much more surprising than you might initially think.An additional curiosity is the fact that the owners of the album, using text hints and small hints-quotes Jan Kochanowski or Fryderyk Nietzsche, contained in the beautifully published booklet, are able to assemble the mysterious names of subsequent compositions into a completely new, alternative title.
Also, to sum up, if you think that music is something more for you than just evening, mindless watching MTV (on which, by the way, there is as much music as in the government of honest politicians) or listening to the radio in the car, then definitely reach for the new album “Blindead”. In addition to great music, you get the opportunity to play Sherlock Holmes and discover some dark and surprising secrets along the way.
01. A3 02. B6 03
. S1
04. E5 05
. N4
. C7 07
. E2